Facade Replacement - TEAM

03332 412 689
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Facade Replacement

Facade Replacement

Modern facades become obsolete through age, structural issues, weather or more commonly, changes to regulations. Existing buildings which act as dwellings must comply with any updated regulations.

We carry out a wide range of facade replacement projects. This includes like-for-like facade replacements or our in-house design team can redesign the exterior for you. Non-compliant facade material is replaced with compliant materials in accordance with differing regulations in Scotland and England and Wales.

As approved installers for Ash & Lacy, Kingspan, Sotech and TATA cladding products and finishes, we install:

  • Aluminium rainscreens
  • Brick slip systems
  • Composite panels
  • Flat panel laminate
  • Natural stone

With a strong focus on technical excellence, we consult engineering experts on every project and adhere to the relevant regulations. We have the experience to take on complex facade replacement projects in the most difficult locations.

We follow the guidance set out by the Health and Safety Executive’s Health and Safety in  construction with specific focus on Section 3: Working at Height, The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER), and Technical Note 97 - Selection of Access Equipment for Facade Maintenance from the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT). We also comply with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) legal requirement to assess the risk from working at height and provide Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS) for each project.

All our repairs meet the relevant manufacturer’s guidance and British Standards and include a 24-month workmanship guarantee.

To find out more about how we can help with facade maintenance, please get in touch:

T: 03332 412 689

Wright Business Centre, 1 Lonmay Road
Glasgow , G33 4EL
03332 412 689
MON-FRI 8AM - 5:30PM
SAT-SUN closed
TEAM   |   Copyright 2021
Created by Graeme Gorrie
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